Treat Yourself to the Best Body Contouring in Fairfax, VA

If you have heard of nonsurgical body contouring, you have likely googled best body contouring in Fairfax, VA. Finding the best clinic means doing a little research and understanding what you’re looking for.

The Best Body Contouring in Fairfax, VA

Body contouring treatments, also known as sculpting, are designed to remove stubborn and reveal a firm, toned physique. Sometimes diet and exercise alone aren’t enough to achieve the body we want. Fortunately, this quick, effective body contouring in Fairfax, VA, treatments can help.

Good Candidates

Am I a good candidate? Anyone can benefit from body contouring in Fairfax, VA. If you have stubborn fat that doesn’t respond to diet and exercise, this procedure might be right for you. However, it is important to understand that this is not a weight loss solution. While anyone can benefit from body contouring treatments, patients closer to their ideal body weight will notice more results.

Types of Body Contouring in Fairfax, VA

Because there are a variety of treatment options available, it is easy to find the perfect treatment for your goals. We offer several treatments, including Vanquish, Velashape, and Exilis at Vitalia MedSpa.

Vanquish uses radiofrequency to target fat in the abdomen, flank, mid-back, thigh, and upper arm. Treatment lasts between 45-60 minutes and is typically comfortable.

Velashape uses infrared light, massage, radiofrequency, and gentle suction to diminish the appearance of cellulite. It can also reduce the circumference of the abdomen and thighs as well as lessen fat under the chin. Since it reduces fat cells, loosens the fibrous bands in the skin, and activates collagen, Velashape improves the appearance and shape of your body.

Exilis combines radio frequencies and ultrasound technology to sculpt your problem areas. this treatment is a great option for people with loose, sagging skin.

Best Body Contouring Near Me

Stop struggling with stubborn body fat. If you are ready to sculpt the body of your dreams, please contact Vitalia MedSpa to learn more about which treatment, or combination of treatments, is right for you.


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