The Best Time to Schedule Your IPL Facial

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) facial is designed to rejuvenate your skin and restore your youthful appearance. Northern Virginia’s premiere Med Spa, Vitalia, offers amazing and effective IPL facials. As Fall approaches, we are spending less time outdoors and exposed to the sun. Now is a great time to schedule your IPL facial. Receive an IPL facial in the Fall so you’re fresh and looking your absolute best for the holidays! IPL Facials offer so many benefits:

IPL Facial Northern Virginia

Erase Sun Damage

IPL Facials can work to erase mild sun damage. Now that the summer is wrapping up, you may have noticed some brown spots or freckles pop up on your skin that weren’t there last Spring. An IPL facial this Fall can erase those along with other accumulated discoloration and damage.

Treats Rosacea

The Wavelength used with an IPL helps to reduce inflammation and discoloration, helping those who struggle with rosacea. Numerous studies have shown IPL’s have an extremely high success rate with treating Rosacea.

Erases Fine Lines and Wrinkles

IPL facials stimulate your body’s natural process of creating collagen. This trigger leads to a decrease in fine lines and provides a greater fullness and elasticity in the skin and reduces the size of pores.


With minimal downtime and quick results, an IPL facial is an excellent choice to treat yourself to this Fall. Schedule yours today!


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