Goodbye Dad Bod! Try Vanquish in Fairfax, VA

Vanquish is a non-surgical fat reduction treatment where radio frequency technology is used to target fat cells until they are destroyed. Once destroyed, the cells are removed from the body through the natural metabolic process.

Dad bod Vanquish Fairfax, VA

Vanquish in Fairfax, VA, Targets the Dad Bod

Dad bods are notorious for having troublesome areas such as the love handles, mid-back, and upper arms. All of these areas are ideal for treatment with Vanquish. Vanquish targets specific, stubborn pockets of fat to help men achieve their ideal body contouring in Fairfax, VA.

Depending on the severity of the Dad bod, you can experience their ideal results after just 4 to 6 treatments! Vanquish in Fairfax, VA, provides permanent results that you can maintain with proper diet and exercise.

How Does Vanquish Compare to CoolSculpting?

Vanquish is ideal for patients looking to treat multiple areas at once so that you can look good from every angle. Contrastingly, CoolSculpting is only able to treat certain areas of the body, once at a time which isn’t ideal for a busy schedule. In fact, during a Vanquish treatment, your dad can receive treatments on the top and the sides of the stomach for 3 treatments at once to address the entire mid-section.

Will Vanquish Mark Up My Skin

The best part about this revolutionary treatment is that it is performed without touching your skin once so there is no risk of demarcation at all! There is virtually no pain or discomfort associated with Vanquish in Fairfax, VA.

Book Your Vanquish in Fairfax, VA, at Vitalia MedSpa

At Vitalia Med Spa we are honored to help our patients look and feel their absolute best which is why we offer all of the top body contouring treatments in Northern Virginia, including Vanquish for those looking to reduce areas of stubborn, unwanted body fat.

To learn more about which treatments are right for you, or to schedule your consultation, call Vitalia Med Spa today at 703-356-7546.


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