Everything You Need to Know About Under Eye Fillers

Do your eyes look tired even when you’re well-rested? Eye fillers can help with that. They can work wonders for many people, but choosing an eye filler procedure can be a big decision. Here’s everything you need to know about under-eye fillers in Arlington, VA.

What Are Eye Fillers

Eye fillers in Arlington, VA, are used to lighten the tear trough or under-eye area. They help make that area look brighter and plumper while reducing under-eye shadows. These aesthetic treatments give you a fresh, well-rested appearance. There are several different types of eye filler treatments. Some popular under-eye fillers include hyaluronic acid fillers, Poly-L-lactic acid, Calcium hydroxylapatite, and fat transfer.

Hyaluronic Acid Fillers in Arlington

Hyaluronic acid is produced naturally by the body. HA fillers in Arlington, VA, are made from a synthetic gel that mimics the body’s natural substance. Popular name brands include Restylane and Juvéderm. These fillers support collagen production in the skin. Most of them come with lidocaine as an ingredient, which helps numb the area and make treatment more comfortable.

HA fillers are transparent, smooth after injection, and less likely to clump. The properties of HA fillers make them the most common filler type for under-eye treatments. While hyaluronic acid provides the shortest result of all the dermal fillers, many practitioners feel it gives the most natural look.

Poly-L-lactic Acid

Poly-L-lactic acid is a biocompatible, synthetic material injected through linear threading. It dissipates within a few days of injection, but the results last longer than those from hyaluronic acid. Injectable Poly-l-lactic acid invigorates collagen production significantly. These injections are commonly known as Sculptra.

Calcium Hydroxylapatite

Radiesse is another type of biocompatible dermal filler that stimulates collagen production in the skin and helps support and sustain connective tissues, which adds volume to the area. Since calcium hydroxylapatite is thicker than hyaluronic acid, it’s often diluted with an anesthetic before injection. Radiesse is not the most popular treatment choice for under-eye treatments. But many practitioners love the volume it adds to facial areas to complement under-eye filer. 

Fat Transfer

Fat transfer, AKA fat grafting, microlipoinjection, or autologous fat transfer, is used if you have a deep tear trough where the lower lid meets the cheek. It involves injecting the body’s fat to build up the area. The fat transfer is typically from the abdomen, buttocks, hips, or thighs. While providing the longest-lasting results, it also comes with other risks. There is downtime required and risks associated with anesthesia, and it is not a suggested treatment for people who may absorb fat quickly.


While the procedures will vary somewhat based on which type of filler you choose, they all begin with a consultation. You will discuss your concerns with the doctor and decide which solution is right for you.

During the procedure:

  1. The provider will mark the treatment area and sterilize it with cleansing fluid.

  2. We will use a numbing cream on the treatment area.

  3. A small needle will pierce the skin. In some cases, the injection is through the needle. In other cases, a blunt-edged cannula goes into the hole made by the needle.

  4. One or more injections happen under each eye. If linear threading, your doctor will inject a tunnel of filler into the site, slowly releasing the filler while withdrawing the needle.

  5. Your doctor will smooth the filler into place.

Many people feel virtually no pain during an eye filler procedure, while others report feeling a slight prick. There will also be a sense of pressure or inflation during the injections. The entire procedure takes between 5-20 minutes.


During recovery, you can expect:

  • After the procedure, your doctor will give you an ice pack to apply to the treated area.

  • You may experience redness, bruising, and swelling afterward, but these are typically short-lived.

  • Your doctor will recommend a follow-up in a few days to assess the area and determine if additional filler is needed.

  • Your provider may recommend several injections spread across weeks or months.

  • If you have fat grafting done, you can expect a 2-week downtime.


All fillers absorb back into the body over time, so the results are not permanent. Each filler will last:

  • Hyaluronic acid fillers last anywhere from 9-12 months.

  • Poly-L-lactic acid can last as long as 2 years.

  • Calcium hydroxylapatite lasts between 12-18 months.

  • Fat transfer may last up to 3 years.

Am I a Good Candidate for Dermal Fillers in Arlington?

Normally, darkness in the tear trough is a genetic issue. However, there may be several other causes. These include:

  • Aging

  • Visible blood vessels

  • Poor sleep patterns

  • Too much pigment

  • Dehydration

Under-eye fillers in Northern Virginia are most effective for people with darkness due to genetics or aging, as opposed to lifestyle factors. Some people have naturally sunken eyes, which cast shadows underneath. This issue can be relieved with eye fillers for some people, but others may find surgery more effective.

Aging can give the eye a sunken, dark, or hollow look when the pockets of fat under the eyes diminish or drop. Not everyone is a good candidate for under-eye fillers in Northern Virginia. If you smoke or vape, your doctor may caution against under-eye fillers. Smoking can hinder healing and reduce how long results last.

Possible Side Effects of Fillers

Your doctor will discuss risks and side effects with you, but in most instances, side effects are minimal and short-lived. They can include redness, swelling, bruising, and a small red dot at the injection site. If the filler is too close to the skin surface, it may give the area a blue or puffy appearance, known as the Tyndall effect. If this occurs, the filler will need to be dissolved.

You can minimize side effects by choosing a board-certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon to perform your procedure. Serious side effects include:

  • Blindness

  • Tiny bumps under the skin

  • Nerve paralysis

  • Scarring

  • Uneven results, lack of symmetry

You can avoid serious side effects by choosing an experienced, highly qualified practitioner.

Schedule an Appointment for Under-Eye Fillers in Arlington

Eye fillers are a common way to alleviate darkness under the eyes. Choosing a highly experienced, board-certified provider is essential to achieving good results. Contact Vitalia MedSpa today to learn about under-eye fillers in Arlington, VA, and which one is right for you.


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